Lately many of the procedures related to customs registration, have undergone several changes. To the senders and/or recipients of goods make it easier to navigate the terminology, we will try to explain one of the key concepts of modern customs clearance.
Advance electronic information (EPI) is a series of actions aimed at providing information about imported by means of transport the goods into the territory of the Customs Union. The operation is necessary not less than two hours prior to the movement of goods across the border.
This innovation is associated primarily with computerization of all customs processes. This process includes e-Declaration of cargo, and a remote method of filling in the documents, and directly EPI.
Electronic registration is primarily aimed at saving time which is spent by the sender in paper documents. Simplification leads, thus, to reduce the cost of the recipient and of the sender, reducing the idle time of goods at the border, etc.
To obtain in the process of EPI identification numbers avoids confusion of goods, allows drivers not to worry about the shortage of the necessary documents.
It is also worth noting that the registration of the shipper electronically significantly reduces the risk of fraud and substitution documents at the border. Increases the degree of protection, and hence improved atmosphere of cooperation and transparency on the territory of the Customs Union.
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